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Save the Date!!!
July 17, 2025
3rd Annual Golf Tournament
Majestic Oaks Golf Course
Register Here!

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Team Sponsors

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Hole Sponsors

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Latest project


Our Adopt A Family was a success! We were able to bless Jacen and his family with gifts, gift cards, and fun family night activities... albeit on St. Patty's Day vs Christmas! The irony of this is that so many families that we meet have a "non-conforming" life schedules, and ours collectively isn't any different. Finally getting to meet them and hear their story in person makes it all the more real. Jacen's family has been through the ringer the last few years and yet still have such an intense amount of gratitude, smiles, welcoming and warmth like no other. To connect and understand the bond families go through is why we are here. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!

















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​          How to help


Our foundation is built on showing our support for children with cancer and their families. Throughout the year, we will have various events and campaigns to support families in need. You can volunteer to help with these options and share socially to gain further awareness.

      Know someone in need


If you know of someone who would appreciate the support, kindly complete the Contact Us form so that we may reach out. We help children across the world to feel the support of the world is with them during these difficult journeys.



© 2023 by Flippen Foundation

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Find us: 

Minneapolis, MN 55304

Flippen Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. FEIN: 92-3138364

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