Diamond Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Lundell Family
We hosted our Inaugural Golf Tournament on August 23, 2023. More than 175 people came, which was amazing considering it was one of the HOTTEST days of the year in MN. A HUGE shoutout to all of our sponsors! We couldn't have done it without you! It was a day full of FUN, lots of smiles, stories, reconnections and laughs. We gave away lot of prizes and had a good silent auction event. Thank you to all the donations we received. We raised funds so that we can continue to help more families this year. We couldn't be more grateful. We didn't get as many pictures as we would have liked, but here's a few that were captured.
SAVE THE DATE for next year's event, set for July 25, 2024 at Majestic Oaks! If you aren't a golfer, but still want to support the organization, we will offer lunch and networking after golf, so all can attend!

